
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Trick or Treat!?

How do you like our Halloween Cottage?



It is

The trick is...
The Cottage is made of durable plastic!
No Baking

The treat is
The Cottage is
Ready to Decorate
Snaps together in seconds
Sturdy walls and roof will not collapse
Wash it off and decorate
again and again...

Now for the fun job
It is so simple and easy.
Grab a can of frosting and candies.
That's right, no need for special frosting or candies.
We took a trip to the dollar store for all of our supplies.
(we had food colors on hand)

The only hard part was not tasting all of the goodies.

We added black food color to the frosting for the roof.

Top with candy corn, ju ju beads and grape Mike & Ike's.

Don't be scared.  He's a friendly ghost.
Made with Smarties and a dot of black frosting.

 Our Stucco is frosting with orange food color.
How do you like our pumpkin garden?

Now for the real treat.
You can win your very own

There are 5 ways to win.
Leave a comment on how you would decorate your
That is a total of 5 ways.
Leave a comment for each chance to win.

We will be drawing on Tuesday, November 1st.

We can not wait to hear all of your decorating ideas.
Next month be on the look out for our
Thanksgiving Cottage.

Quote from Shrek
(we all need a little love)
Gingerbread Man: Wait! More sugar.
Muffin Man: But that is not the recipe.
Gingerbread Man: Trust me, Muffin Man, this girl's gotta be real sweet. I want someone who will love me forever.
Muffin Man: I must warn you, Gingy. No one has ever made cookies with this much sugar. You are tampering with forces far beyond your comprehension!
Gingerbread Man: Just put her in the oven.


  1. Too Cute! I love the eyes in the window.

  2. Where can we buy the basic plastic cottage kit? Debbie in KS

  3. So cute! I may have to do this for our halloween party! :)

  4. That is just too freakin' cute! I like Candy Cottage on Facebook.

  5. This is sooo cute. I love that you can keep it year after year.


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