
Monday, September 5, 2011

Tiger Bark

Happy Labor Day

Today we are sharing our
Tiger Bark (Roar)
GEAUX Tigers
This is such an effortless treat.
It's tailgate time here in tiger-land and this is one of those quick and easy goodies.

You only need 3 ingredients and about 10 minutes.

1 pound white chocolate bark (or white chocolate chips)
1/2 cup peanut butter (your choice of crunchy or smooth)
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
Melt white bark in microwave safe bowl for 2 minutes mix well, if not all the way melted put back into microwave for 15 seconds stiring smooth (for up to 1 minute longer).  Once all the way smooth add peanut butter and until well blended.
Pour onto a foil-lined baking sheet and spread thin.
Melt chocolate chips in microwave for 30 seconds until chips are mixed smooth.  If needed melt in 10 second intervals
(make sure not to over heat). 
Drizzle chocolate over peanut butter mix.

Swirl with end of spoon or toothpick.

(who wants to like the bowl?)

Freeze for 5 minutes or until set
Crack into small pieces.

Hot boudin!
Cold coushe-coushe!
Allons, Tigers!
Push, push, push!!!
(pronounced "poosh,poosh,poosh"
 to rhyme with coushe-coushe.)


  1. Mmm yum! I might try that next weekend! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. This recipe is a definite on my list!!! I love all of your recipes. I'm a new follower.

  3. lol Thanks for the cheer! I cheered it in my head! LOL

  4. I love both the way your Tiger Bark looks and the way it sounds. Delicious! So glad I saw your link-up at Flamingo Toes!

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  5. Ooh - I can so make this and I will! Gonna put some almonds in mine...

  6. This looks so yummy! What a great idea!

  7. This looks so great!! I love how easy it is too!! I shared this on FB & Twitter today - thanks for linking up!

  8. Ohhhh...This looks so good! I love to try the recipe. :)

  9. Wow. These look fantastic! I can't wait to try. Stopping by from the Thirty Handmade Days link party.
    -Robyn from

  10. Yum! This is easy and looks good! I'm a new follower from Happy Hour:)

  11. Found you on Happy Hour Freestyle Friday, loving this post and my kids and I are going to make this sometime soon! I'm a new follower, stop by and say Hi if you get a chance

  12. Absolutely love it! Will be making this for our next Tiger party and I may even have to make it a themed party (all around that great back-in-the-day cheer). Serving up Tiger Bark, Coushe-Coushe and Boudin!


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