
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tailgate Tank Top

Are you looking for a fun, easy Tank Top to wear to the game?

Grab yourself a plain ole tank top.
You will also need some ribbon and thread in your school colors.

Our colors of choice are Purple and Gold.

Cut shoulder seams.

Fold edges 1 1/2" sew.  
This will make a loop to put ribbon thru. 

For an extra touch we added an applique design.
Applique is optional, but we used a
Fleur de Lis from
She has some very cute designs!

Loop the ribbon thru both side and make a bow.


You have a Tailgate Tank Top

Geaux Tigers!

Battle wound from Stevie

Stevie is the monster who lives in our work room.
Cute huh....

“We’re not here for the game. The game is nothing. The game is crap. The game makes me sick. The real reason we Americans put up with sports is for this: Behold, the tailgate party. The pinnacle of human achievement. Since the dawn of parking lots, man has sought to fill his gut with food and alcohol in anticipation of watching others exercise.” Homer Simpson


  1. Linking up on Fun to Craft and found your tailgate tank. Cute idea!

  2. Such a cute tank! Stopping by from Fingerprints on the Fridge link up :)

  3. Cute! Although I'm from Tennessee where everyone bleeds orange, my husband is from Louisiana and is a die-hard LSU fan so I've learned to be an LSU fan first and a TN fan second. He would love it if I made myself a tank top like this!

  4. What a neat idea with the ribbon! Looks great!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  5. Cute idea! I really like how you did the ribbon on the straps! I thought this was the Saints at first and I was going to have some MAJOR problems. ;)

    I think I might have to make one with a BIG burnt orange LONGHORN! :)

  6. Cute idea!! Love the ribbon straps!
    Thank you so much for linking it up to {nifty thrifty sunday} last week as well!
    Hope to see more of your creativity tonight! :)

  7. How cute! I love the straps! Thank you for linking up!

  8. Very cute. Im loving this summer but can't wait for football season. Thanks so much for linking up!

  9. Did you choose the fleur de lys because you are scout? If yes, I am happy to have found another scout crafter! :)

  10. Love love love this!! However mine will be crimson with a big white A and houndstooth ribbon!! Great idea and ROLL TIDE!!

  11. Thanks for sharing this with us! Some really amazing features.
    tank top


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